Monday, December 15, 2014

Use Simple HTML and Javascript Make a Website Slideshow I

One of the most fascinating about a website are the organization and the attractiveness of the site to the visitors.
So, amidst all, slideshows are the most means of attracting visitors and showing off what you are upto on your website.

In this series, we will take a tutorial on making simple slideshows with HTML and JavaScript;

Step 1: Get some images!
The first step, needless to say, is to first fetch the images you want to include in the slideshow. For this tutorial, we'll be using these three images:
tn00607a.gif (1499 bytes) tn00738a.gif (1685 bytes) tn00897_.gif (2529 bytes)
"firstcar.gif" "secondcar.gif" "thirdcar.gif"
Imagine yourself as a car salesmen, and these three cars are the ones you are selling!

Step 2: Preload the images using JavaScript.
The term "preload" in JavaScript refers to the loading of images into cache prior to displaying them. Preloading images is "necessary" in a slide show, since the switching between images have to be instantaneous, without any delay:
<script type="text/javascript">

var slideimages = new Array() // create new array to preload images
slideimages[0] = new Image() // create new instance of image object
slideimages[0].src = "firstcar.gif" // set image object src property to an image's src, preloading that image in the process
slideimages[1] = new Image()
slideimages[1].src = "secondcar.gif"
slideimages[2] = new Image()
slideimages[2].src = "thirdcar.gif"

We've created three instances of the image object and stored them inside a JavaScript Array, each referring to one of the images that make up the slide show.  By doing so, the images are loaded into cache, standing by for us to display at anytime. Notice that the entire code is inserted in the <head> section of the page (Detailed discussion of preloading images can be found here). 

To be continued on the next post...

The post was taught on 

We say a big thank for allowing me to post your content to my blog for people to see

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